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Blow Creative Arts


The story of Blow Creative Arts begins about 4 miles south of Tisdale, a rural Saskatchewan town known most famously for honey production and canola farming.  Like many good Saskatchewan stories, this one too begins where a highway meets an unmarked grid road. 

The history and roots of the Blow family are rich but let's save that for another story. For the purpose of time and space I will get to the now.  

I started Blow Creative Arts in the fall of 2018 while on parental leave with my son. I knew this time away from my career as an Arts Education teacher was a perfect opportunity to utilize some of my skills that had been put on the shelf over the years. Being able to nurture and teach my child every day, combined with the flexibility and energy to create, became a dream come true. So fulfilling is each day spent taking time to enjoy my family while drinking coffee, going outside when the sun is shining and creating when the mood strikes.  

When determining a name, it had to be one that could work as an umbrella for all of the ventures that I am lucky to call work: writing, illustrating and painting.  My family name means a lot to me, so when I got married and decided to change it I knew that someday I would come back to it.  Here we are.  






readings & workshops
